Thursday, 4 February 2016

Other movie posters

I decided to look at some other movie posters to see their conventions and other aspects.

This poster of the movie rocky is a great example of a very effective movie poster. Firstly the main character in the centre of the poster is the main view point this being noticeable by the fact that he takes up about 2/5 of the poster and that he is right in the centre. The reason why his character is there is because the audience will be interested as to why how looks like a winner, by this I mean he is standing like a boxing winner at the end of a game when they put the competitors arms up. His pose also gives away some of the narrative since yet again he is standing like a boxing winner connotes that this movie will be about boxing
This is the movie poster for Black Rock. The font here is Red the reason for this is because it connotes danger and blood, this implies that this movie will be full of dangerous situations and blood. The image of a boat in the middle of a sea is used to imply loneliness and isolation this giving away some of the narrative which would seem to be about some people who get stranded on a boat on the sea.
This is the poster for Dorian Gray. The main image of the man with a split face implies that he is the main character, however the fact that his face is split and one side looks t almost be like crumpling paper connotes that he's either dead or cursed. 

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