Friday 26 February 2016

First draft of Poster + Magazine

these are my first attempts at my movie poster and magazine, I was given suggestions for what I should do to improve both of them.
On the magazine I was advised to use star power in my quote because this makes it more realistic and may appeal to my demographic. Most thrilling issue was seem to be too big and almost taking away the attention from the Title of the magazine so I was suggested to make it a little smaller and but it over the top of Absolute movie, this making it more like a real movie magazine.
When it comes to my poster I was suggested to edit the colour of the stars to something like red or maroon since it would suit the colour scheme however I didn't approve of this since the gold stars connote professionalism and superiority since awards are normally gold, silver or bronze. The Names at the top were seen to be to comical and hard to read to I decided to change those to a more big bold font.

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