Sunday 28 February 2016

Comparison poster draft v poster final

      old                                                                                     new
I was given a couple of things to edit to make my poster and magazine cover better and look more professional. Firstly In my mag cover I was suggested to use star power since using my name didn't seem like a proper magazine so I decided to change Alex Mizia to Ryan Reynolds, I used this celebrity since he has been in a recent movie Deadpool which gave him a lot of media attention this meaning that if he said something like that it would make the media and audience interested in our magazine.
On the poster I was told that the top titles seem to childish and cartoon like, I took this in to consideration and change them to more big bold fonts making them seem more professional. I was also advised to put the words "HIS MIND IS" closer together since its slightly difficult to realise that they are supposed to be one sentence. 

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