We decided that it would be best to try out a lot of different places to find out which settings world best, this lead us to use 2 main places one being the side of a class room and the other being a small office. The side of the class room wasn't very efficient since it didn't look legitimate. Whereas the office looked plain and simple just like a therapist room
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Monday, 21 December 2015
The Pitch for our movie
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Choice of name
We found it slightly difficult finding a suitable name that wasn't already taken by famous movie. Names such as "Psycho" and "Identity" came to mind since our narrative follows the story of a psychologically damaged person who is struggling with his memories.
Those movies both are very twisted and have a deeply psychological approach at our genre of Thriller
We had ideas of other names such as:
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Production Days
We decided to film on curtain days and share the camera in equal terms making sure that we get the most out of the camera.

The days that are marked with a red dot are days that me (Alex) would have the camera, that meaning that I had a whole for days to record the needed footage for our movie. The dots that are blue are days where someone else would have it so that they can record the other parts for the movie this meaning that we all would get time to use the camera

The days that are marked with a red dot are days that me (Alex) would have the camera, that meaning that I had a whole for days to record the needed footage for our movie. The dots that are blue are days where someone else would have it so that they can record the other parts for the movie this meaning that we all would get time to use the camera
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Ryan-general:Is a young adult who as a child was physically and mentally abused by his father (Glenn), this causes him as an adult to have psychologically problems and anger issues. Deciding to fix those problems he goes to see a therapist to help him with his problem
Personality: Ryan can be seen as a very stressed out person, who seems to be suffering from deep depression. Ryan is a very off character that can't let out his emotions in a normal way
Glenn- general: he has been Ryan's worst nightmare since he was born,he never wanted to have Ryan and he would only use his wife as a maid since he knee she was way to afraid to do anything about him. His alcoholic needs leads him to leave the house and dissappear out of his family's lives.
Personality: Glenn loves to feel in power and sees nothing in his life but alcohol. He is ignorant and abusive towards anyone
Suzanne- general: Suzanne is the mother of Ryan she's always been afraid of Glenn and even though they've had an abusive relationship she loved him very much. However when Glenn left them she decided to blame Ryan and make it seem like it's his fault
Personality: she's very weak mentally and can't handle herself, she's very clumsy and is very loving towards Glenn
Dr.Phillips- general: Dr.Philips is a highly qualified doctor who is chosen to be Ryan therapist, taking an interest in Ryan's past finding his past very unhealthy. He trys his hardest to solve the issues that Ryan is faced with and offers the best of his help.
Personality: he's a very caring man, who just wants the best for Ryan.
Personality: Ryan can be seen as a very stressed out person, who seems to be suffering from deep depression. Ryan is a very off character that can't let out his emotions in a normal way
Glenn- general: he has been Ryan's worst nightmare since he was born,he never wanted to have Ryan and he would only use his wife as a maid since he knee she was way to afraid to do anything about him. His alcoholic needs leads him to leave the house and dissappear out of his family's lives.
Personality: Glenn loves to feel in power and sees nothing in his life but alcohol. He is ignorant and abusive towards anyone
Suzanne- general: Suzanne is the mother of Ryan she's always been afraid of Glenn and even though they've had an abusive relationship she loved him very much. However when Glenn left them she decided to blame Ryan and make it seem like it's his fault
Personality: she's very weak mentally and can't handle herself, she's very clumsy and is very loving towards Glenn
Dr.Phillips- general: Dr.Philips is a highly qualified doctor who is chosen to be Ryan therapist, taking an interest in Ryan's past finding his past very unhealthy. He trys his hardest to solve the issues that Ryan is faced with and offers the best of his help.
Personality: he's a very caring man, who just wants the best for Ryan.
Friday, 4 December 2015
Unhinged Narrative.
The narrative of our movie follows the main character Ryan. Ryan is a psychologically damaged young adult who is being haunted by his past of his father. In the past Ryan used to be beat by his father and ryan's mum soon after his father left decided to blame Ryan for him leaving. This being found out slowly at the begging of our movie. It starts of with Ryan applying to see a hypnotherapist to leave his memories in the past. Over the course of the movie Ryan only gets worse with his mentality and starts slowly going insane; this causing him to become violent and "unhinged" from reality. Eventually all the anger her has it let out on someone (this being either his mother,father or Dr. Philips). We decided to leave it as a cliff hanger since this would make the audience thinking about who actually was killed and if there's a possibility of a sequel. This being a marketing technique used commonly in horror and thriller movies.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Unhinged flash back
In our group we were split into two for the begging when properly putting together our Narrative. This flash back was agreed upon in the end since it seemed to give suspense and tension to the movie. The flash back's intention is to give away a little bit more of the narrative and give a sense of pain that the main character had to go through.
Movie research (Psycho)
This is one of the most known original slashers that have been made.
Psycho is a classic horror/ thriller that was directed by Albert Hitchcock. The story was written by Robert Bloch. Finally the screen play was done by Joseph Stefano.
The plot follows Marion Crane who stole $40,000 from her employer to get away with her boyfriend (Sam Loomis) from where they live. As they travel they become tired and decide to stop of at a motel where they meet Noram Bates. Noram Bates is a crazy man who is the killer in this movie. This being because he's been psychologically damaged and kills the characters with a kitchen knife while wearing his mothers clothes.
This is one of the most known original slashers that have been made.
Psycho is a classic horror/ thriller that was directed by Albert Hitchcock. The story was written by Robert Bloch. Finally the screen play was done by Joseph Stefano.
The plot follows Marion Crane who stole $40,000 from her employer to get away with her boyfriend (Sam Loomis) from where they live. As they travel they become tired and decide to stop of at a motel where they meet Noram Bates. Noram Bates is a crazy man who is the killer in this movie. This being because he's been psychologically damaged and kills the characters with a kitchen knife while wearing his mothers clothes.
- Noram Bates
- Marion Crane
- Sam Loomis
- Lila Crane
- Milton Arbogast
- Norma Bates
- Bates Motel
- House
- Roads
- Bathroom
- Motel bedroom
Friday, 27 November 2015
Thriller film titles
Film titles
Titles of movies don't always exactly relate to the actual movie its self. Sometimes the title is made so that it gives the audience some thing to think about. Dead silence is an example of this because it doesn't give away the plot of the actual movie, however it hints towards the fact that the movie will have something to do with lack of understanding and fear of the unknown; This being because silence connotes lack of communication and mystery.
The Rite gives the plot away very well because it connotes that movie will be about some kind of religious ceremony. This being a good example of a title giving away the plot and not making the audience think hard about the title. Another thing that the title does is straight away give away the fact that this movie is aimed at a niche audience because it limits it to people who are interested in thriller based religious ceremonies.
Inception. This title makes people think because the word inception means the basic meaning of inception means the starting point of an establishment or activity, this meaning that the audience needs to think about the title meaning because the title unlike The Rite doesn't give away the plot
Titles of movies don't always exactly relate to the actual movie its self. Sometimes the title is made so that it gives the audience some thing to think about. Dead silence is an example of this because it doesn't give away the plot of the actual movie, however it hints towards the fact that the movie will have something to do with lack of understanding and fear of the unknown; This being because silence connotes lack of communication and mystery.
The Rite gives the plot away very well because it connotes that movie will be about some kind of religious ceremony. This being a good example of a title giving away the plot and not making the audience think hard about the title. Another thing that the title does is straight away give away the fact that this movie is aimed at a niche audience because it limits it to people who are interested in thriller based religious ceremonies.
Inception. This title makes people think because the word inception means the basic meaning of inception means the starting point of an establishment or activity, this meaning that the audience needs to think about the title meaning because the title unlike The Rite doesn't give away the plot
Thursday, 26 November 2015
initial ideas
This is the initial ideas that we came up with as a group for our movie + movie trailer. This explained narrative, characters and settings to give us a clear idea of where we were going with our ideas.
Monday, 2 November 2015
1408 Trailer
We had a look at the Trailer for 1408. This is a thriller that is based on A man called Mike Enslin who wants to believe in the paranormal due to his daughter passing away.
The trailer starts of with an emotional beginning, this consisting of Mike seeing his daughter pass away in the hospital. This has some kind of psychological affect Mike making have a large interest in the paranormal attempting to see if it is a real thing.
The trailer has a section where it uses a verity of quick based shots. This giving the trailer a more intense vibe making the audience become more engaged with the actual trailer its self.
This mid-shot is used to show the pain that Mike is going through. Another factor that engages the audience here is the dialogue that mentions that he isn't even in the actual room, This being a type of enigma code since it gives away the fact that he isn't there but the audience are left to think where mike actually is.

This is another mid-shot of mike before he enters room 1408 where you can clearly tell by this smile that he isn't scared of the paranormal things that are about to happen. This shot is used to show that Mike is a very confident stereotypical protagonist in this movie. Another reason why this shot is used is to make the audience understand the difference between his confidence
before and after entering room 1408.
This is a shot of mike shortly shown after he enters the room; this showing a large difference between him in the other shot since his expression give across the fact that he is scared this is clear by his raised eyes, open mouth and slightly pale skin.
Friday, 9 October 2015
Looking over trailers
The narative of this movie is that kelly is a prostitute and her Pimp needs to find a new suited young girl for his boss so they find Georgia. the trailer shows slight glimpses of the story giving that away.
Is a small production movie with a budget of £500,000, this being a lot lower than other big production movies.
The trailer consists of 55 shots in the time of 1:40. It shows about 6 different characters and partially shows their bakground. The are 2 soundtracks in this trailer one bieing very slow and the other being vey fast opase raising tention since it mixed with the action part of the trailer. There is also a voice over throughout the movie. There are about 8 diffrent setting shown they are London, a caffe, Brighton, the underground, a mantion, a bathroom and filthy city streets. in this trailer there are also 7 inter titles which give rates of the movie by various companies. There is only one use of a sound effect, it is a gun shot sound at the end.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Kids (1995)
Kids (1995)
this movie follows a group of teens who go around New York city drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.
The trailers represents the teen characters in two contrasts. Firstly it represents them as very rebellious and irresponsible. This following the stereotype of teens. There is a longshot in this trailer and it shows a group of teens jumping and chasing someone, this connotes violence and rebellion following the stereotype.
There is a another longshot that shows two teens crossing the road while holding a bottle of alcohol that has been wrapped in a paper bag. This again connoting rebellion against the legal system since they are drinking underage. This starts to build up the theme of the movie, it being drugs and sex driven teens.
There is a panning mid-shot of two teen French kissing this represents the stereotype of teens since they are seen as very sexually interested
Thursday, 17 September 2015
The Bourne Supremacy (2004) poster
This movie is part of a Quadriology, this meaning that its a popular film to receive the support to be able to get 4 movies. However this was the sequel to the original at the time of release. This movie received a rating of 7.8/10 by IMDb and 81% by Rotten Tomatoes. The budget for this movie was $75 million and it was Produced by Universal and The Kennedy/Marshal Company.
The poster doesn't tell the audience much. however the colour keeps suspense since black can be seen as a colour of mystery and cluelessness since black is a colour that represents darkness. Bourne is in Bold this is so that is stands out and shows a clear relation to its previous movie. The white colour of the writing can connote perfection and completion this can imply that the character on the front of the poster is perfect and the white at that point could give imply more closure to thee franchise.
Matt Damon can be seen on the front of the poster since plays the main character in this movie; this could be attempting to use star power since its showing that the main character is played by a very famous actor of that time.
The poster doesn't tell the audience much. however the colour keeps suspense since black can be seen as a colour of mystery and cluelessness since black is a colour that represents darkness. Bourne is in Bold this is so that is stands out and shows a clear relation to its previous movie. The white colour of the writing can connote perfection and completion this can imply that the character on the front of the poster is perfect and the white at that point could give imply more closure to thee franchise.
Matt Damon can be seen on the front of the poster since plays the main character in this movie; this could be attempting to use star power since its showing that the main character is played by a very famous actor of that time.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
The Gallows
The Gallows is a 2015 horror thriller that is set in a high school. The movie had a budget of $15,000 which is a very low amount compared to the amount that the big 6 uses. This movie was directed by two directors Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing. These directors aren't very known however they have been featured directing films such as Kid Hulk (2011) and Gold Fools (2012), both films aren't very popular and didn't become very successful. The gallows took a large hit in terms of rating after release since now its rated 4.3/10 on IMDb and 15% on Rotten Tomatoes.
In groups we watched the trailer and we had to note down information that we gained from the trailer.
Firstly the narrative wasn't overly clear however it gave the fact away that it was about a haunted high school that is being investigated by students. however not much else was explained.
The other information that the trailer gave was release information and website names these would help the audience find out more and the release information could create a hype for the audience since they know when the move would be coming out
There seems to be not a large amount of setting shown, this only being because its all school based; this meaning that the overall setting is a high school however there are sub-setting within this school. there are about 5 setting within the school that can be seen in the trailer they are:
In groups we watched the trailer and we had to note down information that we gained from the trailer.
Firstly the narrative wasn't overly clear however it gave the fact away that it was about a haunted high school that is being investigated by students. however not much else was explained.
The other information that the trailer gave was release information and website names these would help the audience find out more and the release information could create a hype for the audience since they know when the move would be coming out
There seems to be not a large amount of setting shown, this only being because its all school based; this meaning that the overall setting is a high school however there are sub-setting within this school. there are about 5 setting within the school that can be seen in the trailer they are:
- theatre
- hall-way
- backstage
- hall
- Cupboard
Friday, 19 June 2015
TOTAL FILM magazine cover
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