We had a look at the Trailer for 1408. This is a thriller that is based on A man called Mike Enslin who wants to believe in the paranormal due to his daughter passing away.
The trailer starts of with an emotional beginning, this consisting of Mike seeing his daughter pass away in the hospital. This has some kind of psychological affect Mike making have a large interest in the paranormal attempting to see if it is a real thing.
The trailer has a section where it uses a verity of quick based shots. This giving the trailer a more intense vibe making the audience become more engaged with the actual trailer its self.
This mid-shot is used to show the pain that Mike is going through. Another factor that engages the audience here is the dialogue that mentions that he isn't even in the actual room, This being a type of enigma code since it gives away the fact that he isn't there but the audience are left to think where mike actually is.

This is another mid-shot of mike before he enters room 1408 where you can clearly tell by this smile that he isn't scared of the paranormal things that are about to happen. This shot is used to show that Mike is a very confident stereotypical protagonist in this movie. Another reason why this shot is used is to make the audience understand the difference between his confidence
before and after entering room 1408.
This is a shot of mike shortly shown after he enters the room; this showing a large difference between him in the other shot since his expression give across the fact that he is scared this is clear by his raised eyes, open mouth and slightly pale skin.
Are you intending to use similar shots in your own production?