Tuesday 1 December 2015

Movie research (Psycho)


This is one of the most known original slashers that have been made.
Psycho is a classic horror/ thriller that was directed by Albert Hitchcock. The story was written by Robert Bloch. Finally the screen play was done by Joseph Stefano.

The plot follows Marion Crane who stole $40,000 from her employer to get away with her boyfriend (Sam Loomis) from where they live. As they travel they become tired and decide to stop of at a motel where they meet Noram Bates. Noram Bates is a crazy man who is the killer in this movie. This being because he's been psychologically damaged and kills the characters with a kitchen knife while wearing his mothers clothes.


  1. Noram Bates
  2. Marion Crane
  3. Sam Loomis
  4. Lila Crane
  5. Milton Arbogast
  6. Norma Bates
  • Bates Motel
  • House
  • Roads
  • Bathroom
  • Motel bedroom

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