Tuesday 5 January 2016

Our target audiance for Unhinged

  • Male
  • 18-25
  • C2 + D
  • disposable income
  • £18,000 - £25,000 income
  • Cambridgeshire/ London
  • Living alone, with partner or friends
  • English ethnicity
  • Full time work
  • full time education ( University level)
  • Average, enter level work

  • Empathetic
  • caring
  • considerate of others
  • interested in psychology
  • sociable- This can be related to the uses an gratifications theory
  • Hedonist
  • lively
  • engaging

The reason why we decided to go for someone in this demographic is because they are most likely to be free to be able to watch movies. Another reason for choosing this demographic is because they are the ones who would be able top relate to the main characters issues and sympathises for him.

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