Saturday, 30 January 2016

Props in our trailer

We decided to use a fair amount of props in our trailer. All props were used to connote meanings oe emphasise the overall mood.
We decided to use a bottle of vodka to connote the fact that Ryan's dad
is an alcoholic, we emphasised this by making him drink it straight out of the bottle since this is commonly seen by alcoholics.

We decided to use a knife in our movie to connote danger and death since that's what a knife represents. We done by using a last shot of Ryan about to cut his wrist this would make our audience  interested if he kills himself or lives.
We decided to use pills since they imply a serious issue needing resolving, this being because people normally only take pills in more serious times. Another connotation of pills is addiction, this could mean that when we had a over the shoulder shot of Ryan taken the pill is could imply addiction and that he doesn't only have mental issues but also a drug addiction.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Trailer ideas

We decided to look at a lot of different trailers to get ideas for ours. Taking into mind lighting, shots, angles, colour, titles, fonts, music and characters.

The first trailer as a teaser of the movie The Bourne Supremacy, this movie is an action/thriller that is part of  saga. The tease doesn't give away much and keeps the main detail away this making the audience intrigued. We decided to follow this and also make sure that our trailer doesn't give away much and leave it o a cliff hanger since this will make our demographic more intrigued.

This trailer is from the movie taken. It uses a lot of jump cuts and fast pace editing to create tension and connote the fear of the characters. Another great factor of this trailer is how it changes from very positive and happy to a tense kidnapping, this meaning that the trailer reaches a crescendo. We decided to try to replicate this in our trailer since it makes the audience go from happy to on edge.
10 Cloverfiled lane is a thriller that is supposed to be based in the same world as Cloverfiled. This trailer is based in a very close packet bomb shelter that holds 3 people, however one what's to get out for some reason this isn't given away. We decided to replicate this in our trailer since it gives the whole trailer an enigma and would make the audience wonder what the narrative is all about.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


These are conventions of a thriller, we decided to get into groups and look over what kind of conventions are stereotypical of a thriller and what are the human fears

The Excorcism Of Emily Rose

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Unhinged storyboard

We decided to do a storyboard on sticky notes drawing out scene by scene since it was reasonably easy to set out and put them in order

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Our target audiance for Unhinged

  • Male
  • 18-25
  • C2 + D
  • disposable income
  • £18,000 - £25,000 income
  • Cambridgeshire/ London
  • Living alone, with partner or friends
  • English ethnicity
  • Full time work
  • full time education ( University level)
  • Average, enter level work

  • Empathetic
  • caring
  • considerate of others
  • interested in psychology
  • sociable- This can be related to the uses an gratifications theory
  • Hedonist
  • lively
  • engaging

The reason why we decided to go for someone in this demographic is because they are most likely to be free to be able to watch movies. Another reason for choosing this demographic is because they are the ones who would be able top relate to the main characters issues and sympathises for him.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Unhindged Settings

The trailer shows a variety of settings that some people might be able to relate to.

  1. Bedroom- the bedroom is used to show our character Ryan become insane, this is shown by the fact that he's walking around the room pulling his hair, he's leaning forwards and backwards, eventually you even see him about to cut his wrist. We decided to use a bedroom for this because its a place where people feel safe and calm and we wanted to completely go against that by making it a place where Ryan starts to become insane countering the feeling of safety.
  2. Therapist office- We used an office to show the fact that Ryan's issue is serious and that he's unable to take care of it without any kind of help. The therapist office also connotes the fact that the issue is being taken care of and that Ryan is in a helping environment connoting that he's actually going to recover however to shock the audience we decided that we would go against that and make it so that not even therapy helps.
  3. Living room- We used a living room to show Ryan's father (Glen) drinking heavily this connoting that Ryan comes from a unstable house.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Unhinged props

There are a large verity of props used in this movie, some of them Are:

A knife - this is seen being used by Ryan, this connotes danger and pain.

A bottle of vodka - Glenn is seen drinking this, it connotes how heavy his alcoholism is.
Clipboard- this seems professional, it's used by Dr.Philips.

Mirror- this is used by Ryan it connotes ones true self the one that only he sees.

These props are all commonly seen to be in thrillers, an example being that psycho uses a knife as the murder weapon.